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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

7:53 AM

Anti-Loneliness Ramen Bowl With iPhone Stand

Anti-Loneliness Ramen Bowl

During my one-hour lunch break at work, I usually try to eat my food as fast as possible and use the remainder of the time for a quick 30 minute power nap. I’ve succeeded a couple of times in having undisturbed sleep but usually it’s not possible with people walking in and out of the lunch room, improper sleep space and of course, people playing with their annoying smart phones and watching YouTube videos. Although eating while playing with the phone is annoying during my nap time, I’m very guilty of doing this at home while eating lunch or dinner. It’s not my fault that my friends keep sending me viral videos of people doing stupid things or even cats eating food with a knife and fork.

For those of you who have an iPhone and are constantly watching videos on your phone, the Anti-Loneliness Ramen Bowl is something to consider. I guess this is supposed to be for people who eat solo or those weird guys that think they are in a relationship with Apple’s Siri. Regardless of how they want to market it, I like the fact you can watch videos while the phone is upright and you can use both hands to focus on your ramen noodles or whatever the heck you’re eating.

You could also use it to Skype or FaceTime with friends overseas….so I guess the anti-loneliness ramen bowl really can be anti-lonely. And when the bowl is empty, the bowl apparently acts as an amplifier. The Anti-Loneliness Ramen Bowl is the work of Daisuke Nagatomo and Jan Mininie of Miso Soup Design. No official word on whether the anti-loneliness ramen bowl will go into full production but I did read that they are looking into doing a limited run of these bowls. I would definitely recommend a screen cover, especially with ramen noodles and all that splashing. I don’t about you but I sure feel like having those cheap Kimchi Noodle Bowls all of the sudden.

Tagged as: anti-loneliness ramen bowl, iphone stand in ramen bowl

View the original article here

Saturday, January 26, 2013

7:44 PM

50 Hot Bikini Car Wash Babes

Posted June 15th, 2010 at 6:40 pm by 
Summer is finally here, and to some of us that means we’re actually going to be able to stare at bikini girls irl, instead of just beating off to them online.  To show our gratitude for the summer season, we’ve compiled 50 examples of hot chicks, wearing next to nothing, while getting nice and wet.

Read more at http://regretfulmorning.com/2010/06/50-hot-bikini-car-wash-babes/#Zx2WXb2G1QQ61BE1.99 

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